Boat Storage
Calling all boat owners!
- Love to boat or fish the Minnesota lakes around Madison Lake, Elysian, Waterville and Cleveland?
- Don't own a cabin or have your own dock space?
- Wish you didn't have to park your boat in your driveway?
Have you ever considered a self storage unit to store your boat?
- Chad's Storage offers many larger units, such as 12x25 and 12x30, that are great for storing boats!
- Store your boat right in Madison Lake, near your favorite boating and fishing lakes.
- Save the hastle of hauling your boat home.
- Get your driveway or garage space back!
- Store your boat between uses and also for the winter.
Imagine it!
Grab your boat for a day of fun in the sun, or a quiet morning fishing your best spot. Then retire your boat to a 12x30 storage space, and head home to Mankato or whatever town you live in.
Make it a reality!
Our prices are very affordable! See sizes & pricing here, and give us a call today to make your boating experience the best it can be: (507) 779-6100